SugarWOW (2022)

Yes, you candy!
These images are Jan’s retrospective – sugar coated! (Simon Häuser)
Jan says:
I was thrown into a huge pot of candy. One might even say: I was force-fed candy - mentally but also physically. And when I came out the other side EVERYTHING WAS CANDY TO ME: my friends, my home, my art, my food, my drinks, the news and generally my entire environment. What a trip. Uarrgh! A bit disgusting, right? And yet so sweet.

If sugar is to be considered a drug then Jan von Holleben’s photographs are images of a junkie. (Simon Häuser)

These images are part of Jan’s exhibition project SugarWOW, which was curated by Edda Fahrenhorst and commissioned for horizonte zingst 2022 in Germany.


100x typical Germany


Science Sucks